Email Marketing

3 Book Marketing Misconceptions and What to Do instead

3 Book Marketing Misconceptions and What to Do instead

Today I’m sharing a post I wrote for Jane Friedman’s blog. Show of hands, writers, how many of you love book marketing? I can’t see through your screen, but I know very few of you have your hands up. Authors hate what they think marketing is. Like most writers, I was not initially thrilled with […]

3 Book Marketing Misconceptions and What to Do instead Read More »

Do authors and illustrators need multiple websites and platforms featured image

Do authors and illustrators need multiple websites and platforms? Advice from a web designer and digital strategist

Creatives often have multiple irons in the fire which leads to the question: do you need multiple websites for each venture?  This is one of the top questions I hear from clients and in online communities of authors and illustrators. This blog post will go into the pros, cons, and considerations with case studies to

Do authors and illustrators need multiple websites and platforms? Advice from a web designer and digital strategist Read More »